Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is pure love & how do you know if your love is pure?

What is basically love? In your mind it would appear as a relation of more than a friend between a boy and a girl, but in real terms it is way more than this. Its the feeling which once enters into your heart never vanishes, it never reduces in fact it increases second by second. It is made stronger with the small wonderful memories of your life. When these memories are all combined together you make your love stronger. It turns your life to a living Heaven, it has no end like a circle has. Its all about compromising and sacrificing yourself, your needs and wants just to fulfill the wishes of your soul mate. Its not searching or heading towards your happiness, indeed it is sacrificing your happiness to make your soul mate achieve his/her happiness. Love is a complete fantasy world in which there is just a couple together with no involvement of the worldly matters. But just as the eye opens while you are dreaming and ruins everything you were seeing, likewise small small misunderstandings ruin your relationship,your life and destructs your fantasy world completely. Love can not be cured by herbs.
Love is like the wind, you can feel it but you can not see it. When you have a different feeling about someone than a normal routine feeling, here this means that you are climbing the 1st step of the ladder of love. Love never changes people from their roots, it turns your acts, nature and character to a more positive side. It is when two souls combine together and function as one, that is if one gets hurt, the other feels the pain. It also fills patience, tolerance and respect in your heart for the people around. Another major step on the ladder of love is when you start liking the things you have always disliked, Love is purely "sacrificing". If you do not like anything about your partner then do never look for that one or ten acts, look for those thousands of acts that made you melted and made you fall in his/her arms. This relation of "True Love" is linked with the hearts and nature not by the looks and style of ones. Love never changes with weather, fashion, style, outlooks or season, it remains the same from where it started. The feelings once entered never dies or goes away. The desperation of being with one another increases second by second.
Love is like the painting in which when more colors are added, the more beautiful outcome it will result in, likewise in your love life, making and remembering more beautiful moments increases the outlook of your love. Love shares everything, ones happiness, sorrows, problems, it is never jealous nor conceited, it is always patient. It is the situation in which there is no turning back once you have made your decision, there is no way out of this world, cheating never existed nor will it ever exist in the world of pure love. Patience is another successful act of this life, it is a thing or a feeling which creates a willingness in a person of achieving everything, to be on top, to be successful, to be nicely known, to behave well with others and in helping them out e.t.c and this patience is always created by the huge support of your soul mate, he/she is the actual person who creates it in you. Here at this level your partner/soul mate becomes everything for you, your life, your aim and goal. Over here comes a situation where most of the people leave their parents, but what I sincerely feel is that your parents position and status is always higher than your partner, although parents and partner, they both stand on very different position but nowadays alot of people do not get to know this. Forgetting your parents, your brothers and sisters is not what we call PURE LOVE. Indeed a pure and a very true partner brings you closer to your love ones, to your family, friends and relatives and that is the PURE LOVE, your true soul mate/partner would never take you away from your love ones. Love never deals with any ones sins or it never exploits any ones life.
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. Those of you who went through this article and they are in this love world would definitely agree with this statement and When love is not madness, it is not love. It is an ocean of emotions.
In the end i would like to add that PURE LOVE is when one leaves but the other still follows, It is when one follows that person just like his/her shadow. It is when one denies but the other still tries, he/she never gives up the hope. It is when ones attitude changes but the other still stands at the same position looking at his/her face politely with a smile on his face and with the true love falling from his/her eyes. Love is an act of endless forgiveness.
This is all about PURE LOVE that I have always realised and learned in my life until now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1621831

True, pure and crystal love is unconditional, seeking perfection. It means that you would suffer rather than to make suffer. Those who love in the purest way may often look crazy in our eyes, the sinners. To love, in the simplest meaning, is not to give pleasure to someone or to be jealous about him/her, it is about thinking about their good, and never hesitating between their and your own good. You would sometimes refuse to give them physical or even moral pleasures to avoid them bad consequences, even if they get mad at you. You won't get jealous of your beloved or friend when they enjoy time with someone else, but when someone wants to hurt them in th back. Love has NO LIMITS and NO BOUNDARIES! Love is blind to reason! Love is for EVERYBODY, open-minded people love EVERYBODY, even their enemies. Love is UNIVERSAL, for all faiths, races, genders, nations, etc. You don't mind dying for that special one. It isn't who you are going to be in love with all your life, but who you are going to be patient with

To be pure love is to be just love, no other motives or selfish reasons for loving another. 

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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